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How Can Income Protection Help?
This is your own sick pay scheme. This plan pays a tax-free monthly amount to replace income in event of accident or long-term sickness. There are no listed medical conditions, it is any medical condition that will stop you working over a long term, although exclusions can apply.

Should I get Income Protection?
Have you ever considered what you would do if you could not work due to being ill? If your income was reduced drastically, could you afford to pay your bills, mortgage and afford food?
Could you survive on statutory sick pay? If the answer to those questions is no, then a discussion about Income Protection is going to be key.
If you are unable to work and have got Income Protection, a successful claim would pay out a monthly tax-free income. This will continue until you recover, retire, pass away, end of benefit period or the policy comes to an end.
The plan will have no cash in value at any time and will cease at the end of the term. If premiums are not maintained , then cover will lapse.
Income Protection FAQs
If you were to die without any Life Insurance, your family could incur financial hardship. However, if you have a Life Insurance policy, you could protect your family against such hardship. Life Insurance is there to pay out in the event of your death.
If you were unable to work due to an accident or sickness, then Income Protection is there to protect you against such an event. So that if you are self-employed or employed, and don’t get sick pay, then Income Protection can fit that need. Thus, if you were unable to work due to ill health, you would still get an income.
Critical illness policies are there to cover you in the event you are diagnosed with a critical illness, the 3 main ones being, Cancer, Heart Attack or Stroke. Our policies do offer a wide variety of illnesses, to ensure you are fully protected when it comes to a critical illness occurring. Our policies can also protect your children against critical illnesses too.
Like Life Insurance, Family Income Benefit pays out in the event of a death occurring but instead of a lump sum payout, Family Income Benefit will pay out a monthly amount, which can cover your lost loved ones’ income to the household.
Protection Insurance is completely tailored to you, the cost of insurance is all dependent on your budget, and we tailor all our packages to ensure they fit within your budget.
It all depends on who is the best for you, insurance providers don’t have a one size fits all product, that’s why it is so important to get insurance advice to be sure your protection needs are met with the greatest of standards.
The plan will have no cash in value at any time and will cease at the end of the term. If premiums are not maintained , then cover will lapse.
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